Photographer - Aaron

Coffee Shop - Madcap Coffee

City - Grand Rapids, MI

Date - May 6, 2023

Q - What camera did you use for Cameras and Coffee?

A. - I’m just rocking my iPhone 12 Pro Max.

Q. How long have you been taking photos?

A. Very casually, since high school. So that was, like, 20 years ago? But as I said, VERY casually and with trash “equipment.”

Q. Why did you start photography?

A . I guess I don’t feel like I actually have.

Q. What motivates you when it comes to photography?

A. I’m primarily a graphic designer and illustrator, but I pull a lot of inspiration from photographers who unapologetically shoot what they love. It really shows in the images and I always strive to bring that energy into my design work.

Q. Describe your photography style.

A. Non-existent haha

Q. Explain your Instagram name. 

A. It’s just my name. @aaron_mccall

Q. What are your photo goals for the next year?

A. To continue to grow my freelance graphic design business and to ride the momentum to elevate my podcast, Bad Idea Social Club.


Scott McDuffee

