Photographer - Edward Hart

Coffee Shop - Astoria Pastry Shop

City - Royal Oak, MI

Date - January 6, 2024

Q - What camera did you use for Cameras and Coffee?

A. - I brought my Pentax K3. Yes, I’m a Pentaxian.

Q. How long have you been taking photos?

A. I have been shooting with point and shoot cameras since high school. It wasn’t until 5 years ago that I learned to use a Film SLR and DSLR.

Q. Why did you start photography?

A. I got into photography because I wanted to learn how to use a camera beyond just pointing at something and pressing the shutter.

Q. What motivates you when it comes to photography?

A. I want to create something that I think is worthy of printing and framing.

Q. Describe your photography style.

A. I feel my photography style is all over the place, and I tend to "play it safe”. My goal is to take more risks and be more creative.

Q. Explain your Instagram name. 

A. It’s my full name, first name, middle initial, and last name. Edward D. Hart

Q. What are your photo goals for the next year?

A. Get out of my introverted shell and meet more photographers, do group photo walks as well as personal, focus on learning to take photos in an editorial style, practice creating fine art portraits, and fight the urge to purchase more photography related gear.




Hillary Ilyssa