Photographer - Jesse Fenlin

Coffee Shop - Craig’s Coffee

City - Detroit, MI

Date - August 19, 2023

Q - What camera did you use for Cameras and Coffee?

A. - I used an old Nikon fm2 35mm with a 24mm lens. To tell the truth, I intended to use a Sony Alpha camera but I walked out of the house with no memory card! These things happen.

Q. How long have you been taking photos?

A. Since around 2018, I would say. A friend of mine at the time upgraded their own personal camera body and gave me a deal on his old camera and gear!

Q. Why did you start photography?

A . I’ve always been curious about photography. I took the photography class in high school and found a lot of enjoyment with figuring out how to make a photo. I always loved street photography and nature photography and was drawn to those things. So getting a camera was exciting. I found myself shooting everything I could.

Q. What motivates you when it comes to photography?

A. I like the hunt of street photography. Trying to find interesting things or moments. It’s an exercise in patience and a good excuse to explore. But all areas of photography have an interest to me. I’m really just interested in being able to make a vision happen. The creative process of setting up an editorial shoot or getting the shot with a motorcycle kicking up dirt. Or just finding a frame on a street and making something unique with that. There is always something to learn and I love it.

Q. Describe your photography style.

A. I feel like my style changes depending on what’s happening. I shoot differently with a 35mm camera as opposed to my Sony digital camera. I am drawn to darker imagery or gloomy scenes. I also love the color. So even darkening a scene in post I find ways to push color into the blacks or tweak a highlight to bring a more characterized feel to a frame. But with film I find myself enjoying a more light-hearted approach to things. I love the bright tones you can achieve. For example, using fuji film and a warm filter. The combination makes a bright, vibrant, and warm vibe that just feels really incredible. I guess my style really depends on the mood I'm in or the gear I have. I’m just having fun with it and trying new things when I can.

Q. Explain your Instagram name. 

A. I actually struggled forever to figure out a cool Instagram handle. But one day I was searching for info regarding what my last name means. I found that to the best of my knowledge, I am the only Jesse Fenlin in the United States. I figured that was unique enough for me! How many can say that about their name right? So I kept that for my Instagram name!

Q. What are your photo goals for the next year?

A. I really have a goal to travel and expand my abilities with photography in any way I can in the new places I go. I want to get a real shot at photographing landscapes. Also, I have some new techniques I would love to try with street photography and editorial. Possibly combining the two! Also would really love to try doing a gallery. That would be a fun experience for me. This next year is going to be really interesting!


Lynsey P

