Photographer - Justice

Coffee Shop - Avalon

City - Detroit, MI

Date - September 18, 2022

Instagram - @pure_justice

Q - What camera did you use for Cameras and Coffee?

A. - Sony A7ii w/ zeiss 55mm 1.8 lens

Q. How long have you been taking photos?

A. Since 2019

Q. Why did you start photography?

A . I wanted to take cool photos of my watches, and then I just wanted to get out more.

Q. What motivates you when it comes to photography?

A. Just having fun and enjoying the process of planning out locations, figuring out my vision for what kind of photos I want to take, what goes into traveling to the location, and then time spent actually shooting.

Q. Describe your photography style.

A. Abstract. I like to take photos of landscapes that represent other objects or abstract shapes

Q. Explain your Instagram name. 

A. Pure.justice. I had my full name at one point, but an internet creep investigated me, so I changed it to something simple.

Q. What are your photo goals for the next year?

A. Just have more fun taking pictures and getting more involved in social causes in ways that utilize my photography skills.

