Photographer - Jackie Edwards

Coffee Shop - Avalon

City - Detroit, MI

Date - October 8, 2022

Instagram - @jackieannsphotos

Q - What camera did you use for Cameras and Coffee?

A. - Nikon D750

Q. How long have you been taking photos?

A. Maybe 50 years. Seriously working the art for about 8 years. 

Q. Why did you start photography?

A .  I see things. I'm one of those people who catch oddities in movies. I love faces. I like learning. Photography is a never-ending learning process. 

Q. What motivates you when it comes to photography?

A. What I see. A sliver of light. Feeling my camera in my hand. Wanting a photo at the end of most days.

Q. Describe your photography style.

A. I'm more about moments than big scenes. I love light. I think I take photos that aren't always what others might find interesting. I do basic edits and sometimes detailed editing. I like the editing process.

Q. Explain your Instagram name. 

A. My first and middle names. I have another private account. Delicate family circumstances kept me from using my last name on social media.

Q. What are your photo goals for the next year?

A. To keep doing, what I do now and new things. Besides photography, I paint and draw and do a bit of lettering. I bake and have tried to up my cooking skills (at 65 lol). I don't do grand plans, mostly go where stepping out of my comfort zone takes me. Sometimes I stay inside it too and just sit on the deck and look at the clouds, the cranes, herons, geese, and the occasional swan. Keeping up with friends is important to me. I will make plans with them. The most important thing I will do is try to improve my relationships with God and my family. That is always a work in progress. 


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