Photographer - Nicole St. John

Coffee Shop - New Order Coffee

City - Saint Clair Shores, MI

Date - November 13, 2022

Instagram - @nicolestjohn

Q - What camera did you use for Cameras and Coffee?

A. - Leica D-Lux 7, and a Fujifilm Disposable

Q. How long have you been taking photos?

A. Twenty-three, or so, years altogether. Professionally about 10 years. 

Q. Why did you start photography?

A . My first lesson was around age 9, and I instantly fell in love with the magic of film. I remember we were on Captiva Island in Florida, and I photographed mostly hibiscus flowers. My grandfather, mother, father, and aunt have all been photographers, so it runs in the family. The first personal camera I bought, which wasn’t stolen from my Dad, was a Sony Cybershot so I could shoot photos on my first European trip at age 15.

Q. What motivates you when it comes to photography?

A. Photographing things has been ingrained in me ever since I was a child. I know it’s cliche to say I like to “capture the world around me” but I do like to pause and reflect in moments of stillness, using the camera as a method to do so. I’ve always been enamored with the idea of freezing a moment in time I suppose.

Q. Describe your photography style.

A. Bright and modern with hints of romantic nostalgia. 

Q. Explain your Instagram name. 

A. It is my name. Although, most don’t know St. John is my middle name. My legal last name is long and hard for people to pronounce or remember. 

Q. What are your photo goals for the next year?

A. I’d love to get published in a food magazine or work on a cookbook with one of my chef friends. It’s a dream of mine to shoot for the New York Times Cooking platform one day. I’m also hoping to travel to New York for a big shoot with an international food distributor, which is pretty exciting. 


John A. Johnson III


Justin F