Photographer - Sierra Aguilar

Coffee Shop - Summertown Fresh Bar

City - Detroit, MI

Date - July 10, 2023

Q - What camera did you use for Cameras and Coffee?

A. - For Cameras & Coffee I shot digitally with my Canon R6 and my trusty 50mm.

Q. How long have you been taking photos?

A. I’ve been taking photos for the greater half of my life. Starting with the 24 exposure disposables I used to run around my backyard (no older than seven or eight) taking photographs of everything I would see on a daily basis. From there it went to my mom’s Canon Rebel, and then eventually a Nikon Coolpix and my own Canon Rebel that I used to take hundreds of self portraits in strange costumes with strange expressions- though I have definitely changed my style since then. 

Q. Why did you start photography?

A . I’m not sure I have an answer to why I started photography; I have always known that I was an artistic person (though I do believe we are all artistic- some just nurture that trait more than others), and I wanted to express my perspective in any way possible. I think it started out of mere curiosity of cameras, as well as a desire to mimic my mom, who was always taking photographs of my sister and I- as well as the experiences of our childhood.

Q. What motivates you when it comes to photography?

A. I think my biggest motivator when it comes to photography and art as a whole is evolution. I constantly have the desire to keep improving and experimenting with (and hopefully eventually without) failure. I have a strong call to new and exciting areas that are unknown to me- and I am always curious as to how I can bend and mesh my work into new movements and styles, all while remaining true to myself.

Q. Describe your photography style.

A. I advertise myself as a fine art photographer, but I’m not huge on categorizing my work. My style is expressionistic and what I need it to be at the time of shooting. 

Q. Explain your Instagram name. 

A. Sea Static is my creative persona. “Sea” derived from a nickname- “Si” pronounced like sea- is something that many of my closest friends started calling me around highschool and I always found endearing. “Static” came from the white noise/static I believe we all have as individuals and artists. Therefore- the name Sea Static is the electric hum that surrounds work that is made by me and close to my heart.

Q. What are your photo goals for the next year?

A. My goals for the next year are simply to keep pushing myself in unexpected ways and allow myself grace and room to grow into whatever photographer I need to be at that time. I think evolution is the most necessary aspect of art and being a creative- and therefore my biggest goal is to allow growth and be welcoming to change that needs to occur. That being said I would also really love to continue exhibiting in the Detroit art scene as well as across the midwest.


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